Tenuta Tascante

The philosophy of Tascante

The different characteristics of “A Muntagna” (Etna)

On Etna, we aim to be the interpreters of volcanic culture. Like respectful parents, we have left the task of expressing the personality and character of the volcano to our wines, told through this tasting.

A tasting of all our Etna DOC wines

  • Etna Bianco Buonora
  • Etna Rosato Tefra
  • Etna Rosso Ghiaia Nera
  • Etna Rosso Contrada Pianodario
  • Etna Rosso Contrada Rampante
  • Etna Rosso Contrada Sciaranuova
  • Etna Rosso Contrada Sciaranuova VV
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